
Karen Lowe

Purple Octopus at Rest

Hurricane Leaves Landmines Uncovered

Hurricane Mitch sent rushing waters over river banks and down mountains, sweeping light plastic explosives into places where people travel.

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Pro-Vaccine but Afraid to Vaccinate: Inside One Family’s Doubts

Nearly 20 years ago Sophie Beglinger received her first round of the diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccine.  Since then, she has had multiple grand mal seizures and hundreds of smaller seizures every day. She is unable to express herself or care for her own bodily needs. Reporter Karen Lowe spends a day with the family for National Geographic.

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Ecowarriors Take to Treetops to Save Giant Redwoods

Residents near redwoods, desperate to stop the logging of the ancient trees, clamber up 1,000 foot high redwoods to join tree sitters who ignore loggers’ chainsaws and bulldozers.

Ecowarriors Take to Treetops to Save Giant Redwoods

Cowgirl Takes on Ranchers to Save Herd

DUGOUT RANCH, Utah, May 27 (AFP) – Heidi Redd, 57, her white Stetson slung low over her eyes, studied the bulging bellies of her pregnant cows pastured in what she calls her home for wayward bovine teenage mothers.

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Meet The Family

First… When you’re the head of a family, it’s up to you to keep your loved ones safe. It probably doesn’t get any tougher than it does for Innocent Mbremumwe. He’s a 36-year-old park ranger in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has been at war for nearly 15 years. Nearly five million have died. Innocent has an unusually large, extended family of about 200 mountain gorillas. He introduced some of them to Unfictional producer Karen Lowe.

Gorillas – Listen Here

The Seven-Year Snitch

For years, Jorge Salcedo was chief of security for the Cali drug cartel in Colombia. He was in charge of protecting some of the most powerful criminals in the world…until he decided to take them down. In this episode of This American Life Karen Lowe tells the story. (35 minutes)

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Merchants of Venice

An estimated 16 million people each year visit LA’s Venice Beach and its boardwalk market. What they don’t see are sharp-elbows and words flying as vendors scramble before dawn for prime stalls.

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The Undocumented War

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